Violence against Children in Kenya
An Ecological Model of Risk Factors and Consequences, Responses and Projects
出版Waxmann Verlag, 2014
主題Education / General
註釋Children in Kenya continue to suffer diverse types of violence against them despite the fact that Kenyan laws are prohibiting violence and various prevention measures exist. In order to achieve effective prevention of violence, adequate knowledge of risk factors is imperative. In Kenya, such knowledge is lacking and there is limited attention given to the multifaceted nature of the social environment in which children grow up and how such environments aggravate violence against children as well as hinder prevention measures. This qualitative research applied the ecological model of socialisation of Urie Bronfenbrenner as its theoretical and analytical framework in examining risk factors and consequences, responses and projects. In assessing what is being done to prevent violence against children in Kenya, the author reviews existing projects and policies that shape prevention measures including the possible influence of international conventions. He also analyses diverse sets of ideas, attitudes, philosophies and practices that explain the similar and the different notions of childhood in African and in Western settings. Exploring the social construction of violence, the author examines ideas and discourses that explain the heterogeneous characteristics of violence and how their understanding, occurrence and severity vary from culture to culture.

Alphonce C. L. Omolo (born 1966 in Kisumu, Kenya) studied Childhood (Sociology of Childhood and Children's Rights) at the Institute of Education, University of London. He completed his doctoral degree (Dr. phil.) at the Faculty for Philosophy and Educational Research in the Field of Comparative Education at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, in 2014. He has extended experience and worked in different capacities in street children and other children's programmes in Kenya and Tanzania between 1987 and 2010.