Blockchain Space
How And Why Cryptocurrencies Fit Into The Space Age
出版Heidi Hecht
主題Business & Economics / Free Enterprise

What will interplanetary traders look for in any given transaction? Profit, of course. However, hauling around bulky gold, silver and paper money will dig into profits in an environment where the laws of physics apply. Before you suggest doing without a medium of exchange, you may wish to dust off that economics textbook in the attic and consider alternatives that already capable of modernizing an outdated financial system.

These alternatives have names like cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. Call Bitcoin “Version 1.0” if you like. It's going to be a long way from Bitcoin to Federation Credits, but creating a complete financial system that's suitable for interplanetary trade is doable if developers start the process now. It can be done, should be done, and will be done if cryptocurrency and Blockchain experts are willing to work together with those interested in a serious effort to colonize the solar system. This way, cryptocurrencies can be literally taken to the Moon, the entire solar system, and possibly beyond.