Charts on Open Theism and Orthodoxy

Aiming to be thorough yet concise, Charts on Open Theism and Orthodoxy provides a handy reference guide to the major issues and sources in the debate over Open Theism. Dr. House has selected significant quotes from major sources or authors and arranged them by categories and topics in an easy-to-follow, parallel-column format. Bibliographic references for all citations are also included. Readers can quickly summarize the major points of comparison and contrast between historical Orthodoxy and Open Theism.

- Terms and Definitions: the views of Orthodoxy and Open Theism on attributes of God are compared and contrasted

- Hermeneutics-Theological Language: explores concepts, predication, and anthropomorphic language as used in Orthodoxy and Open Theism

- The Doctrine of Scripture in Openness Theology: the question "Does God err?" is explored along with the question of predictive prophecy and inspiration

- Historical Understanding of Ultimate Reality--God: Compares and contrasts the views of Greek Philosophers, Church Fathers, Medieval Theologians, and Reformation/Post-Reformation leaders with Open Theism

- Historical Views on the Attributes of God: compares and contrasts the views of the Church Fathers, Medieval Theologians, and Reformation/Post-Reformation Theologians with Open Theism

- Open Theism Compared with Other Systems: compares various systematic approaches to theology with Open Theism

H. Wayne House (Th.D., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis; J.D., Regent University School of Law) is Distinguished Professor of Biblical Studies and Apologetics at Faith Seminary in Tacoma, Washington.

Max Herrera (M.A.A., Southern Evangelical Seminary) is doing doctoral work at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin