Coping and Hoping: 62 Poems That Take You From Despair to Hope
註釋Coping and Hoping pretty well sums up what Ed Keelen has been through over the past several years. His friends call him “Miracle Man” for the number of times he has escaped the clutches of death and has come back to life. Even though he came back to a life of pain and suffering, to him it was a life well worth living. Ed's mantra is “to see the preciousness of life and the goodness of God through the lens of pain and suffering.” For quite a while, he was looking through the wrong end of the lens and would complain and show anger toward God and his friends. But through a process of reading the Psalms of Lament and then developing his own talent for writing similar poetry, he gradually went from despair to hope. Ed is not a trained or seasoned poet. Instead, he writes from the heart, and his poems engulf the reader in the emotional roller coaster that constitutes his life.