Before The Passions Of The Moon

The year is 2024. Jenna has been living in hell and fighting for her life.  All she wants is freedom and to escape the world.  But when a meteor touches down, it changes the world again.  Now everyone is trying to escape.  The Passions are soulless and merciless.  She is running from the law, from creatures and everyone.  The only thing she can’t run from is her destiny with him. She saves Fred’s life and then wants him gone.  But his supernatural charm is almost too much with the death-flu going around.

She knows he’s magical and sexy.  But she was raised to hate his kind.  Will he be able to free their hearts or when he finally escapes will she be breakfast?

In this apocalyptic world it’s hard to know who to trust.  One thing is for sure even the sanctuary of her little cabin at Silver Lake isn’t safe.  Can she ever learn to trust a werewolf?  Or will this campfire legend abandon her just like the world has?