A Commemorative Volume to Celebrate the Great Master's Millennial Birth Anniversary
出版Sri Siva Vishnu Temple Publications, 2017-04-30
主題Religion / GeneralReligion / Spirituality
註釋In the Golden Age, the philosophical discussion on the nature of Brahman or the Ultimate Consciousness was dominated by the three Acharyas - Sri Sankaracharya (circa 788-820 C.E), who propounded Advaita or radical monoism, Sri Ramanujacharya (1017-1137 C.E) who was the foremost proponent of Vishishtadwaita or Qualified-monoism, and Sri Madhavacharya (circa 1238-1317 C.E), proponent of Dwaita, Dualism. It is our good fortune that we are able to celebrate the one thousandth birth anniversary of the second of these great Acharyas, Sri Ramanuja. This Volume of Essays written by Srivaishnava scholars and practitioners from India and the USA is our modest effort to acquaint the Life and Legacy of Sri Ramanuja. The Essays in the Volume are divided in two parts. Part I contains five essays by Dr. Prema Nandakumar, a renowned scholar who has the unique ability to explain complicated topics in simple and elegant prose. The five essays together give a complete view of Sri Ramanuja's accomplishments. Her essays include a critique of his principal writings, his pursuit of Ubhaya Vedanta which skilfully combined the ancient Sanskrit texts and Tamil devotional hymns of the Alwars to enhance the religious fervor of the Srivaishnava devotees, his vision and management ability which led to the creation of a superb organizational structure which helped to sustain the growth of Srivaishnavism; and above all, how his teachings influenced the spread of bhakti movements all over India and abroad. The Essays in Part II are intended for those who want a deeper understanding of specific aspects of Sri Ramanuja's teachings. V. Sadagopan gives a detailed timeline of important occurrences in Sri Ramanuja's life. Tirumanjanam Sundararajan's essay contains an account of the interpretational differences between Sri Ramanuja and his teacher Yadava Prakasa. The short paper by M.G.Prasad and the relatively longer discussion by Madhavakkannan help the readers to understand Gadya Thrayam, the three pieces of Prose which are of great appeal to common persons who follow Srivaishnavism. Part II also includes an Essay by Krishna Kashyap which discusses the main tenets of Vishishtadwaita Vedanta.