Success Is an Exaggeration

Success Is An Exaggeration debunks our most common notions about success. Achieving success is too often represented as a complex and demanding process, one that is out of the reach of most people. But success is very relative, not necessarily the result of a sequence of great ideas and uncompromising effort. It is often the outcome of flashes of brilliant behavior, belief, attitude, and approach that each of us demonstrates in our daily lives, often without any training or realization. Once we become aware of these traits and transform them into sustainable habits, success starts to unfold.

This book is a daisy chain of easy flowing chapters with examples from the workplace, sports, movies, and life in general that nudge the reader toward these flashes of brilliancebrilliance that can be repeated and help construct fulfilling and rewarding outcomes.

This is a book not only for the professional trying to build a successful career. It is directed at anyone anywhere, doing anything with the intention of being good at it.