After Ixmal

After Ixmal by Jeff Sutton is a compelling and thought-provoking science fiction novel that delves into themes of memory, identity, and the impact of advanced technology on human experience. Set in a future where the boundaries between reality and virtual experiences are increasingly blurred, the story follows the protagonist’s journey through a complex web of memories and digital landscapes.

The narrative unfolds in a world where the remnants of a vanished civilization, Ixmal, play a crucial role in shaping the future. As the protagonist navigates this intricate and often surreal environment, he confronts questions about the nature of existence, the reliability of memory, and the consequences of technological advancements on personal identity.

Sutton’s imaginative storytelling and exploration of futuristic concepts provide a rich and engaging reading experience. After Ixmal is a must-read for fans of speculative fiction who enjoy intricate plots, philosophical reflections, and a deep dive into the potential impacts of technology on human life.