National Survey of Secondary Education. Bulletin, 1932, No. 17. Monograph No. 28
Health Work and Physical Education
出版ERIC Clearinghouse, 1933
註釋This manuscript represents an effort to secure information concerning the progress of health and physical education in the schools. The author used both the inquiry form method and personal visiting in the investigation. The inquiry form on health was sent to 851 schools of which 460 schools returned a report in time for incorporation here. Of these, 162 were regular 4-year schools; 147 were junior high schools; and 151 were other reorganized types of schools. Visits were made to about 20 schools well distributed throughout the Nation. It is to be observed that 50 per cent of the schools launched the health program between 1925 and 1929, and 25 per cent more began it between 1920 and 1924. Therefore it is relatively new. In general, the junior high schools are found to have more highly developed health services than are the other types of schools. In many of them health work apparently came in with reorganization. Health examinations are quite common in the schools studied, especially in the reorganized types. Seven items are included in the examination given by 70 to 87 per cent of the schools. In order of frequency these are: (1) The eyes, (2) throat, (3) teeth, (4) ears, (5) nose, (6) heart, and (7) lungs. The teacher of the health work is very frequently the physical education teacher; this is evidence of a rather close integration between these two fields. In other cases the nurse teaches courses in health. Three-fourths of the schools require physical education; it is most frequently required in grade 9. Classes usually are held twice a week. It is interesting to find that the courses of study which were examined were dated 1929 or later, and that, of 24 announced objectives, the teaching of exercises which would furnish proper and enjoyable recreation for living in later life was most often mentioned. The objectives next in point of frequency were likewise directed toward adult life. Obviously physical education and health are tending toward work which carries over into later life. (Contains 28 tables and 27 footnotes.) [Best copy available has been provided.].