Jenseitshoffnung in Wort und Stein
Nefesch und pyramidales Grabmal als Phänomene antiken jüdischen Bestattungswesens im Kontext der Nachbarkulturen
出版BRILL, 2019-01-28
主題Religion / HistoryReligion / Judaism / GeneralReligion / Christianity / HistoryReligion / Christian Church / History
註釋This monograph deals with two phenomena of ancient (hellenistic and roman times) Jewish burial customs: The use of the term “nefesh” for denoting a tomb-monument etc. and the use of the pyramid as a distinct feature of tomb architecture and of decoration of burial sites. Every instance of Jewish use of either the term or the pyramid will be analysed, as well as a couple of instances from neighbouring cultures and languages (especially Nabatea and Palmyra). The widespread opinion that “nefesh” denotes specifically a pyramid is to be falsified. Palestinian Jewish burial customs turn out to be deeply embedded into their semitic environment. Finally the hypothesis is advanced that the pyramid often symbolizes a concept of afterlife. About 50 plates with ca. 200 photos and drawings accompany the text.