The Artwork of Ira Crowe
註釋Meticulous in his renditions, and skilled in technique, Ira Crowe's artwork is unique. It is high quality art which captures the imagination of the viewer and demands of the viewer a personal interaction with the art. The viewer must, by nature of the piece, create the story both before and after the moment in time captured by the artist. Ira has sometimes been asked what is meant by a particular piece of art. To this, he replies, "For me, at least 50% of my artwork is that which the viewer brings to it. It a viewer doesn't contribute his own ideas and conclusions, I'd feel my work was a profound failure."This book of artwork is your introduction into the art world of Ira Crowe. Not everyone can own an Ira Crowe original, but now anyone can own a book of his art. Richer Resources Publications is pleased to announce the release to the general public the first broadly available book containing the Artwork of Ira Crowe.