Learn to Use the Problem Solving Map
Who Can Use Thinking Through Problems at School? A variety of professionals working with a host of students, dealing with both social and behavioral issues:
* Special Education Teachers
* Speech Therapists
* Teachers
* Mental Health Professionals
* Alternative School Teachers
* Home Schooling Parents
* Parents Who Is This Book For? Students diagnosed as having:
* Non-Verbal Learning Disability
* Emotionally Disturbed
* Brain Injury
* Cognitive Disability
* At Risk
* Aspergers Syndrome
* Learning Disability
* Language Impairment
* Multiple Disability
* Identified for Intervention
What Will Students Learn?
* To use a problem solving structure, so that can name the problems, determine their options and evaluate effective solutions,
* To develop their perspective taking skills, identify emotions, think abstractly within a scenario, and
* To internalize the problem solving map, so that they can solve problems in their own lives.