Mac OS X for Windows Users
註釋According to Apple, 40 percent of the people entering computer stores to look at Macs these days are Windows users! Whether it's the design of the new Macs, the shimmering interface and rock-solid dependability of the new operating system, or the unparalleled (free!) software for creating and managing digital media, something is causing Windows users to take a second look-and a growing number of them are making the switch. But moving to a new operating system is a big undertaking: There are files to be ported, software to learn, Internet and connectivity issues to iron out, and a new OS and interface to unravel. That's where Mac OS X for Windows Users: A Switcher's Guide can help. For Windows users who want to get up to speed quickly, as well as understand the subtle and not-so-subtle differences between the Windows and Mac operating systems, this book is the perfect place to start. Drawing on the experience of real-world switchers, author David Coursey takes Mac newbies by the hand and leads them through the ins and outs of Mac OS Xall presented from a Windows user's perspective: You print like that in Windows; you print like this in Mac OS X. You used to be a Windows pro; now you're a Mac pro!