Doctor Love
  • I wish there would be no problem in love.

  • I wish there would be no broken hearts.

  • I wish all the love stories would have happy ending.

  • I wish no one would die or kill on the name of love.

I wish there be a Doctor Love to help people if at all there are problems due to broken love affairs or sad end of love stories.

This book is dedicated to all those who broke their hearts in love and looked for a shoulder to cry upon in any stage of life. It is also dedicated to those who offered their shoulder to support them.

Aryan, running in his 25th years of life, an average looking middle class guy, claimed to fall in love with his office colleague and had broken up girl's heart due to his self-centered egoistic nature. Mayank is a bit handsome and rich guy in his 21st year of life, a final year college student. He had lost connection with his girlfriend when she had moved to another city. Then there is a girl, Guddi who happened to assist Doctor Love in his case studies. She is a beautiful girl of dominating nature, running in her 26th year, but still single.

Doctor Love, a bit of handsome looking man in his early 40s who gained experiences in life but never got married which instigated him to conduct deep research on love and relationships. These two boys, Aryan and Mayank happened to visit Doctor Love's clinic and consult him to rebuild their love relationship. They had got their respective advice to handle and patch up their relationship.

What happened when Doctor Love visited Guddi's hostel to help her and there he happened to meet the beautiful lady warden of the girl's hostel?
What happened to Aryan? Was he able to patch-up? What happened to Mayank, did he get back his love?
Well, let's peep into Doctor Love's clinic and discover further.