Auditory Processing Disorders
Assessment, Management, and Treatment, Fourth Edition
出版Plural Publishing, 2024-08-09
主題Medical / Audiology & Speech Pathology

With eight new chapters and many other updates, Auditory Processing Disorders: Assessment, Management, and Treatment, Fourth Edition details the definition, behaviors, and comorbidities of auditory processing disorders (APD) while educating the reader on the most current global practices for assessment of APD, including its impact on literacy and language processing. Practical rehabilitation, management strategies, and direct evidence-based treatment programs, including the use of technology, are covered in detail. The text is a highly practical book designed specifically for practicing clinicians, instructors, and students, in both audiology and speech-language pathology. It contains a comprehensive review of APD and is also an excellent resource for parents, teachers, and other professionals wishing to learn more about APD for themselves, their child, and their practice.

New to the Fourth Edition

New chapters on:

the effects of COVID-19, RSV, PANDAS, autoimmune disorders and other medical issues on APD

evaluating APD through telepractice

the collaboration of the audiologist and speech-language pathologist in evaluating auditory processing skills and other listening problems

treatment interventions for deficit-specific processing disorders and other auditory skills

differentiation between auditory processing and listening disorders

an integrative model for auditory, linguistic, and cognitive processes

listening difficulties in the classroom, and how to differentiate them from APD

identification and treatment of dichotic deficits 

Updated chapter on auditory neuropathy

Updated chapter on current neuroscience on the relationship between auditory processing and literacy

Description of new digital module technology for sound enhancement

Updated apps for interventions for APD

Key Features

Contributions from the field’s most recognized experts, such as Martha S. Burns, Sharon Cameron, Harvey Dillon, Jeanane M. Ferre, James W. Hall, III, Jack Katz, Angela Loucks Alexander, Larry Medwetsky, Deborah Moncrieff, and Gary Rance 

Case studies illustrating the pansensory nature of an APD and the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration

An integrative model for understanding APD utilizing research from cognitive neuroscience, neurophysiology, neurobiology, mathematics, and neuroanatomy

A model of speech understanding to differentiate APD from non-auditory deficits and listening problems