Kashmir The Troubled Frontiers

 This book traces the historical roots of the Kashmir problem and provides an overview of the entire state as it existed prior to the partition of the Subcontinent. Evaluates population composition, available human resources and the economy of the state, studies at micro level the various regions including PoK and discusses the prevailing geographic, ethnic and religious divisions existing within.

The book presents the scope and intensity of the current turbulence, unbiased description of events and personalities, takes into account the Pakistani viewpoint and their quest for strategic depth. Further, assesses the military capabilities of China, Pakistan and India to alter the status quo and the value of Kashmir card for the USA.

Kashmir: The Troubled Frontiers explains the geo-political profile with emphasis on the strategic importance of J&K to the region. The independent and comprehensive analysis is the result of research by the Indian Defence Review Team with suggestions of bold and radical options. No apologies are offered and none asked for.

The idea of this book emanated from the Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Research Foundation and it gave a grant to facilitate the research.