註釋In this second installment of a three-part graphic novel adaptation of "The Odyssey," Ulysses and his men continue their wandering after their stay on Circe's island. They seek the oracle Tiresias, the only one who can help them find a gateway that ensures that those who cross it will find their way back home. While on their journey they will have to face the irresistible sirens' song, the voraciouswhirlpool Scylla, and the terriblemonster Charybdis, which have all been sent by a furious Poseidon who seeks to prevent Ulysses from ever reaching his destination."En estesegundo volumen de unaadaptaciona novela grafica de"La Odisea" en tres partes, Ulises y sus hombres prosiguen su errancialuego desu estancia en la isla de Circe. Van en busca del oraculo Tiresias, unico que puede darle senales para hallar la Puerta del Olvido, la cualgarantiza que aquellos que la crucen podran encontrar el regreso al hogar. En el camino tendran que enfrentarse al irresistible canto de las sirenas, al voraz torbellino Escila y al terrible monstruo Caribdis, los cuales han sidoenviados por la colera de Poseidon, quien busca evitarque Ulises pueda concretar su anhelado regreso. ""