The Manufacturing of a President
The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. Into the White House
出版CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012-07-17
主題Political Science / General
註釋The CIA's Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White HouseThis book covers Barack H. Obama, Jr's rapid rise in American politics and the role that the CIA played in propelling him into the White House. Research is based on formerly classified CIA and State Department files, personal interviews, and international investigations. Obama's birth certificate has never been the issue. The real issue, which affects his eligibility to serve as President of the United States, is his past and likely current Indonesian citizenship. The reader will be taken through the labyrinth of covert CIA operations in Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and other regions. The real history of President Obama, his family, and the CIA quickly emerges as the reader wades into the murky waters of America's covert foreign operations.