Poetic Rhythms of My Heart

Poetic Rhythms of My Heart is a poetry book comprised of six categorical chapters relating to glorifying God, celebrating others, relationships, witty humor, living life and triumph. The book contains over sixty poems aimed at inspiring, motivating, and encouraging people on relative life lessons and experiences. Poetic Rhythms is written by Sabrina Brown who developed a love for poetry in grade school and was influenced by Maya Angelou, Robert Frost, and Langston Hughes. The section on Faith deals with experiences with Jesus and reminders of why relationships with Him are beneficial to sustaining abundant life. It reminds us to remember those things we went through but use them as means for having faith in what God can deliver us from. The section on celebrating others pays tributes to special people and entities in the author’s life as a means of encouraging others to celebrate their special network of family and friends. Be it when they graduate, get married, have special birthdays or retire, there is always a chance to celebrate in the life of others.