McGraw-Hill's GMAT, 2011 Edition

New features for the more than 200,000 people who take the GMAT annually.

McGraw-Hill's GMAT includes new features to help students get their desired score. They will learn how to master the GMAT through practice with questions just like those on the real exam.

  • Two complete interactive practice tests at MHPracticePlus.com and four tests in the book.
  • A Welcome section including "How to Use This Book," "GMAT Study Plan," and more.
  • New information for the thousands of GMAT takers who are outside the United States.

    James Hasik (Austin, TX) is a GMAT test preparation instructor and tutor.

    Stacey Rudnick (Austin, TX) is the director for MBA Career Services at the University of Texas at Austin.

    Ryan Hackney (Austin, TX) is a writer specializing in education.