God Whispers
Liz Thompson
First Edition Design Pub.
, 2013-04-15
Body, Mind & Spirit / General
Religion / General
Where are you at this moment? If your first reaction was to say, "I am in a book store," or "I am in my recliner," I would likely say the same thing. But what I am asking is where you are in your faith walk with God. Do you feel far from Him? Maybe you walk closely with Him and hear His voice in your life. Are you in a listening mode or are you tuned into the "noise" in your life, cluttered with things to do, places to go, and people to see? Maybe you picked up this book because you were curious how God could possibly whisper. Or maybe you needed to make a major decision and you thought this book might help. Or maybe you picked it up because when you saw "fudge" in the subtitle, you thought it might be a recipe book. It is a recipe book, in its own way, and for fun, you will find fudge recipes in the appendix. But I wrote this book to share some experiences of mine, and those of its contributors, about how we learned from our fudges and responded to God's nudges. God wants to free us from our self-made cocoons, or chrysalises, and watch us fly free like a butterfly. Liz Thompson lives in Grove City, Ohio, with her husband, Bob, and wire-haired dachshund, Toby Bear, who is her Certified Hearing Dog. In 2008, Liz's first book, Day by Day: The Chronicles of a Hard of Hearing Reporter was published by Gallaudet University Press. She has a column in ThisWeek Newspapers (formerly Suburban News Publications - SNP) in Columbus, Ohio, where she was also a reporter (SNP) from 2000-2003. From 2003-2005, she and her husband lived in Arizona where she was a Community Columnist for The Arizona Republic. Liz has been a writer for Hearing Health Magazine and www.moveoverms.org. She wants to share her faith in God in her writing and pass on the love of writing to the next generation. keywords: Religion, Christian, Christianity, Inspirational, Recipes, Witness, Poetry, Faith, Healing, Motivational