Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Colombia
Judy Meltzer
Canadian Foundation for the Americas
Some Considerations for Future Canadian Engagement
Canadian Foundation for the Americas/Fondation Canadienne pour les Ameriques
, 2004
History / Americas (North, Central, South, West Indies)
The fact that Canada is Colombia is a signatory to the Statue of Rome, and not a signatory to the Inter-American Charter is not amended its Constitution to explicitly authorize rati- only detrimental to the IACHR's credibility and fication, so cannot foreclose the possibility of ICC strength in the hemisphere, but limits Canada's abil- jurisdiction.8 However, the ICC is unlikely to be looked ity t [...] In the conclusions of the Peruvian TRC's report, the role and responsibilities of all actors in the conflict, including the Communist Party of Peru-Shining Path, the Revolutionary Movement Tupac Amaru, state police and military forces and self defence committees, as well as specific governments, particularly that of the Fujimori government, as well as legislatures and the judiciary are outlined in [...] The Recommendations are also comprehensive and unambiguous, and include specific recommendations in the areas of:15 • strengthening democratic authority and consolidating democratic institutions, including reform of the Armed Forces, the National Police, and the intelligence services to ensure civilian democratic leadership of national defence and inter- nal security tasks; • reforming and strengt [...] The Rome father in the mother's absence), 15 percent to the moth- er or father of the natural children of the victim, and 15 Statute also outlines the development of a trust percent to each child of the victim under the age of 25 fund to support the implementation of reparations and to disabled children of any age. [...] Colombia is the involvement of a greater range of actors and insti- only country in the region where mines continue to tutions); be used regularly, and according to the International • Monitoring of DDR processes to enhance legiti- Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and the macy and maintain momentum.