Korac's Verse

I swear, your majesty, I intended to keep my word and serve my time in prison. But my past complicated matters more than I ever expected.

I lived my life as a contaminant. A target. A villain. Now you face the same dilemma, King Rayne.

Maybe the story of my life will answer a few of your questions. For example, how does one become a criminal? Was it the abandonment by my father? The subduing of my mother? Or could the tyrannical aliens with their boot on Cinder's neck have contributed to my adoptive family's misery and my own impressive skill for inflicting pain?

Consider my position, your majesty. The survival of my race hung in the balance. The well-being of my brother and my best friend. What would you do differently? How will you prevent the relationships with those you care more from deteriorating like mine?

Because, I truly hope you do. For the sake of Cinder and the Vast Collective, learn from my mistakes. Don't let your family become like mine.