수소폭탄파워2 동영상에 비주얼패턴 날개
H-Bomb Power 2 Visual Pattern Interactive BEAR AND KANGAROO
出版Onenara Systems, 2014-08-08

 Standard ELS students can increase several times faster more effectively and efficiently learning and memorizing ability through Visual Sentence Pattern called Block Sentence Diagramming Visual Patterns Training or Program.


By shifting learning methods from traditionally accepted learning method to Visual Pattern English learning method by repeating, memorizing, and recollecting  the whole sentences, the students who have basic level of English grammar can develop their English ability in listening, speaking, reading and writing considerably easily.


Most students easily understand the parts of sentence and places of the words of the sentence by training. As English Block Sentence Patterns are classified into limited numbers, diagramming patterns Block Sentence Diagram can be easily understood for the Students for English as Second Language.


Visual Pattern English(VPE) with Diagram Pattern with TTS technology can be delivered to the mobile phones and can induce subscription from internet. Furthermore, VPE can be developed as English Word and Sentence Games for ELS students in addition to publishing E-book or Printing Book.


Block Sentence Diagrams have been developed from Sentence Diagramming originated by Reed and Kellogg about 140 years ago. Unique features of sentence diagramming has a lot of advantages,  still SD focuses on grammatical point of English sentence, and are too complicated to learn for ELS students.


In this reason Block Sentence Diagram English also called Visual English for ELS students has been developed for the students with basic grammatical understanding in order to improve Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Block Sentence Diagramming, which are diagrammed by the chunk of word group or phrasal groups as well as words is called Visual Pattern. In Korea more than 85% of High School students have smart phones, still there are almost none for mobile learning systems.


Industry Size and market opportunity.


Digital E-Learning Products


1.Self-paced E-learning: We can supply this service.

2.Digital reference ware (E-textbooks): This is not main target but we can supply references

3.Collaboration-based learning: We can supply this service.

4. Mobile learning apps: Our main Target System.

5.Mobile learning Value Added Services (VAS): We can supply this.


Global English Market


Global English Electronic Learning size, according to Lise Raga and Sue Jones, was U$63.30 Billion in 2012 and will grow U$193.20 billion in 2017 with CAGR rate of 25%. Of them higher education E-learning from U$48.80 billion to $149.00 with 25%, K-12 E-learning from U$16.60 billion with 33%, Edu-Game and Social Learning U$3.00 Billion to U$13.00 with over 30% respectively.