Pet - Massage Secrets

Welcome to Pet Massage Secrets: The Guidebook to Healing Man's Best Friend Using Reiki & CNT Massage.

In this book, we will explain how loving attention and thoughtful massage will help ease and heal the organs and energy of your animal friend. By being mindful of our energy and influence on the space around us, we can be mindful of our pets' care and energy once we understand the function of each organ and see that an animal's body is much like a human's. We can then be empowered to heal energetically before any physical pain is felt or noticed by changing habits such as knowing how our emotions affect the animals' nervous system, which organs and why, and the proper fresh foods and best times to eat. It is vital not only for our own health to be mindful of our emotions but also to know that your energy and issues will also be taken on by your loving companion.