A Victory March
John Klein
Mbk Enterprises, LLC
, 2016-01-21
Biography & Autobiography / General
Biography & Autobiography / Personal Memoirs
Religion / Spirituality
From the beginning, books were my first friends. I never felt alone when reading a good book. And, a man alone I have been off and on during my challenging, yet fortuitous life. Many times I've been told that I have a powerful impact story - one that should be told. For years I've resisted telling my story out of fear of either revisiting the scorched earth of my past or being perceived as one who is playing the victim card. Having said that, in truth, at times I even find my story hard to reckon. We all have a story, don't we? Mine is a bit out of the ordinary. This is my story...a love story, if you will - as I love life! Simply put, that's my philosophy. And I love the people in my life. I am blessed. I'm a man of deep faith and guiding principles. This is a story...a victory march highlighting passages of a life well lived - despite insurmountable odds at times. From childhood to adulthood, I'd have good people enter my life, as if a school play where and when the perfect character entered stage left or right, then parted. Unfortunately, evil and misfortune commanded my stage as well, often making me feel powerless and unworthy. Thank God God was in control. God prepared me well to be a life and career coach. In 2003 I published "Your Pathway to Personal Enrichment & Vocational Enlightenment." The book featured (if not branded) the art of encouragement. I'm fond of telling people I'm not a therapist or a theologian. I am, indeed, The Encourager. I earned that title! As an older gentleman now, without doubt, it will be my legacy. With this book, just as it is my practice when coaching, it's my heart's desire that this book become a "temporary best friend" - to gently nudge you, while reading, allowing your spirit to soar to a better place. A dear friend of mine calls it "adding beauty to the world." May this book be entertaining and informative as I share some of the "Lessons Learned from the University of Life" (speaking series). Life is an adventure! My adventure is one of exploring and developing my religious beliefs, personal philosophy and guiding principles to live by. It is my expectation, if not mission, dear reader for you to find new learning and spiritual awakening from my story...my victory march of grace and encouragement