A Life of Abundance
註釋Life of abundance: have you ever heard about this concept? And what about wealthy life related to the Law of Attraction? Some people want it all in life. They want success, money, love, they want to be famous, they want to have it all. Some of them do not even know why they want it. Maybe they saw it on television or they have read it in books that it is cool to have it all. Others refuse to have it all. They have no idea what all refers to. Or maybe they do but they are too afraid to even imagine what all would look like. They have been brought up in an environment of scarcity and sacrifice, they know that everything costs, nothing comes easily and it is pretty much impossible to have it all without having to make a compromise. Whichever category you feel that you belong to, there is no right or wrong. There is no right or wrong in wanting it all. There is no recipe to wanting it all or to having it all. There is mindset. And there is gratitude. And abundance will make its way to you. You may or may not have heard of the Law of Attraction before. Maybe you heard about it and you are skeptical about what it can do or how you can use it to your benefit. Well, this book will focus on this law in order to live an abundant life and bringing into your reality the goals you have set for yourself. One of the main rules of the Law of Attraction is saying that "What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become." They all go together. This belief is based on the idea that everything is energy. We, as human beings together with our thoughts are made from "pure energy." And due to the attraction of alike energy, a person can improve their own health, wealth and personal relationships and live an abundant life if their energy is at that level of abundance. That is why it is important to think of the abundance that you already have in your life. Focus on what you have right now, the abundance that is surrounding you and the abundance within you. And that is the energy that you will put out there in order to attract more of it. This combination of positive thought and positive emotion is considered essential to allow you to attract in your life positive experiences and opportunities. It is in the resonance of the energy and it has to match with the proposed energetic vision in order for the law to manifest. In this book you can find: - A definition of abundance and wealth - The types of abundance - The 'Why' of abundance - The purpose of an abundant life and the goals setting - An introduction to the Law of Attraction - The power of manifestation and visualization - How to increase your abundance - Success stories of wealth