註釋'No one would spot a terrorist in a well-cut DJ' Grand hotels at night are strange planets where rare creatures, unfamiliar with either sunlight or moonlight, live undisturbed in luxuriant undergrowth, places to hide in plain sight where everybody is a former something and where no one would spot a terrorist in a well-cut dinner jacket. The story concerns a terrorist informer living in plain sight as the night manager of the hotel. Everybody loves Mooney; charming and affable, every night he showers weapons-grade empathy on the foibles of the rich. The afterlife of a turned grass is thick carpet, Cuban cigars, fine wine and the occasional killing for his new masters. Even his companion at night, Botley, was once a bent copper; Oh lucky man. One night Mooney fleetingly sees a man he recognizes from his past. It could spoil everything and then bodies begin to pile up. It begins when, from a fifth floor room, watchers on a stakeout see something that they should not have seen. The body of one emerges from the hotel's laundry chute, swaddled in bloody towels. The body of the other is first found and then mysteriously disappears. Superintendent Ann Taylor investigates. She traces the killings back to the original stakeout and realizes that the case revolves around finding out what they actually saw. The night life of the hotel, it seems, is organized for more that than just hospitality. Taylor suspects Mooney and an elderly American lady who is resident in a suite. They both appear to have official protection and she senses a threatening political minefield. Ann drinks too much and cares too much but won't be intimidated. In a world of sophisticated misdirection; she learns quickly that boldness only gets you so far. Realizing the need for low cunning; her gaze falls upon Botley, the night security man. In her mind, he brings a welcome touch of shabbiness to the luxurious surroundings. She senses a growing mistrust between the two night companions and when Botley finds the good cop inside himself they join forces and tackle a prey that turns out to be bigger than the traps they set. At night even secrets have secrets; maybe it wasn't who the watchers saw but who saw them? As they grope their way towards the truth the deception and violence which ensues touches the lives of an elderly US Senator, a Russian call-girl, a former school teacher, a Turkish waiter and a lonely hard-man. The violent endgame is played out under the chandeliers.