DB2 Universal Database V8 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database Administration Certification Guide
註釋DB2 Universal Database v8 builds on the world's #1 enterprise database to simplify anytime/anywhere information integration, streamline management, automate resource tuning, enhance business intelligence, and maximize performance, scalability, and reliability. Now, IBM offers complete, start-to-finish coverage of DB2 Universal Database v8 administration and development for UNIX, Linux, and Windows platforms... "and authoritative preparation for IBM's newest DB2 certification exam." This definitive reference and self-study guide covers every aspect of deploying and managing DB2 Universal Database v8, including best practices for DB2 database design and development; day-to-day administration and backup; expert techniques for deploying networked, Internet-centered, and XML-based database applications; migrating to DB2 UDB v8; and much more.You'll also find an unparalleled collection of IBM tips and tricks for maximizing the performance, availability, and value of any database system. Coverage includes:
  • Manageability and serviceability enhancements, including new tools for storagemanagement and monitoring database health
  • Performance improvement withmultidimensional clustering, enhanced prefetching, threading of Java UDFs and storedprocedures, and materialized query tables
  • New Setup wizards, configuration assistants, GUItools, and DB2 Administration Server (DAS) improvements
  • Availability andscalability enhancements
  • New DB2 v8 Replication and Data Warehouse Centers
  • Major improvements for developers, including SQL, XML, JDBC, and CLIenhancements
Whether you're a DBA, a developer, a DB2 certification candidate, or all three, "DB2Universal Database v8 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Database AdministrationCertification Guide" is the one book you can't afford to be without.
  • Straight from IBM, the ultimate guide to running DB2 v8 and preparing for IBM's latest DB2certification exam!
  • In-depth coverage of DB2 v8 database administration and development
  • Covers new DB2 v8 enhancements in manageability, serviceability, reliability, availability, and performance
  • Contains in-depth coverage of new DB2 v8 tools, including the Replication, Data Warehouse, and Development Centers
  • Presents expert tips and best practices from IBM's own DB2 customer support organization
About the CDThe CD-ROM included with this book contains a complete trial version of DB2 UDB V8Personal Edition, plus the DB2DEMO program to help explore the many features of DB2.