Classification, Distribution, and Grade-tonnage Summaries of Canadian Lead-zinc Deposits
註釋A summary overview of certain quantifiable characteristics of Canadianlead-zinc deposits and occurrences is presented by means of maps, graphs andexplanatory text. A total of 378 lead-zinc deposits, defined as mineralconcentrations for which grade and tonnage data are available for theseelements, are assigned to one of six deposit-type categories. Deposits areplotted on a 1:5 million scale geological map with symbols depicting deposit-type, total (Pb+Zn) content, and Zn/(Zn+Pb) ratio. The 4900 lead-zinc occurrences (no grade-tonnage data available) are displayed as adensity contour map. Appendices list (i) deposits by type withcross-referencing by name and deposit-number including latitude, longitudeand National Topographic System location data for each deposit, (ii) deposits alphabetically by deposit-type; and (iii) selected bibliographicreferences for each deposit for a total of 748 citations.