The Brontes of Haworth

The Brontës of Haworth: Yorkshire's Literary Giants - Their Lives, Works, Influences and Inspirations has been designed by a retired teacher of English as a general, overall guide and reference for use by highschool teachers, college and university professors, students and Brontë enthusiasts

The functional layout of the book in three parts allows readers and researchers to obtain a quick, thumbnail sketch of the lives of each of the Brontës, each of their seven major adult works, and the various influence and inspirations which affected their short, tragic lives and led them into careers in writing.

Each chapter in each section has been designed so that the brief background sketches of their lives and works can be read as an entity in itself, and from there, readers can choose which area they would like to pursue further through additional studies and research. The amount of research material on the Brontës is overwhelming, and it was the author's intention to briefly sort out various areas of potential interest for those just being introduced to this great family of English writers.