Why Bully Me
Joy Williams
Independently Published
, 2020-12-28
By Following the "Why Bully Me" series your children will learn about different daily circumstances that can cause bullying situations. This series was written to give children alternate methods to face this growing social dilemma. Giving children being bullied a voice to speak up about being bullied. This can be done while maintaining their own self-esteem. Joy Williams has a passion to care for others. With over 16 years of nursing care experience, she has worked with patients with a variety of health concerns and served as a companion to many.While working in Hospice Care she served ages from infancy to seniors, which awaken an additional passion for youth.During the course of life, she was blessed with a daughter. A few years ago, her daughter was confronted with classroom bullying and she didn't understand this kind of meanness. This gave her a new call to action; embody youth with a strong sense of anti-bullying discussions, lessons and books. Why Bully Me was inspired and born by her daughter. This book is for all ages and can be used as a teaching guide for parents.