The True Adventures of Gidon Lev
註釋By most accounts, Gidon Lev, born in 1935 in former Czechoslovakia, is an ordinary man - except for the fact that of the approximately 15,000 children who were imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camp of Terezin, only an estimated 92 survived. Gidon is one of those children. The True Adventures of Gidon Lev is the story of a charming, playful octogenarian Holocaust survivor, a Californian thirty years his junior and the writing of a book about a very long and storied life. With humor, humanity, and compassion, the story of Gidon Lev offers insights into carrying on despite a painful past, a primer on Jewish and Israeli history, and observations of both the ethos of the modern state of Israel and its conflict today and the opportunities that disaster can create. Weaving Gidon's valuable first-person recollections together with the cultural and historical backstory of time and place, Julie Gray invites readers inside the process of mining memories for truths and history for lessons.