註釋Adriana gets a job sewing for Edith Head at Paramount' s costume department in the early 1940s. Adriana falls in love with a bit player named Rose and the two move in together. Living with a woman goes unnoticed as most people presume they areonly roommates. But as Adriana's career blossoms, society and life start to interfere and Adriana makes decisions that affect three generations of her family.1998: Adriana's granddaughter Laura has left LA on the heels of a failed relationship and a subsequently failed career in film development. She moves in with her grandmother in Baltimore to find some time and space to think. The problem is she always spent time here with her dearest friend and cousin Becca, who died suddenly in a car crash, leaving her 13-year-old daughter,Lizzie.Adriana, in her eighties and wrestling with the past is now suddenly responsible for Laura and Lizzie. In this compelling literary family drama, three lives twine together in the past and the present to take a closer look at how family, wanted or not, makes up who we are.