Caboodle of Short Stories

This collection of 8 stories for children and the age defying adults has been written over a period of many years now. The first story was written some 10 years back and I had no idea that one day I will bring it out as a compendium of my short stories. The feedbacks I received when I published the first ones as stand alone stories propelled me without a conscious but irresistible rudder towards this goal. I write a story without any set boundary or time when I feel like it towards  the act of writing. I simply put down on paper the incessant urge I feel to weave a story.

Some of these stories started with just an off-hand comment from a colleague or friend whereas others were more of an exertion of thought towards reaching a certain goal. The goal is always to produce a story that will be liked by children as well as by adults who are still young at heart. Physical age is not counted! Most of the stories that I see for children nowadays seem to me to be preachy. They seem to treat the child as a vessel of change by turning their thoughts towards behaving better or giving out some morals to shape their course of life. Its as if we adults (some only in appearance) want the child to behave or live an utopian life when such utopia exists only in our dreams. I have tried my best to refrain from such efforts and to treat kids as kids and provide them a situation, a problem and a possible solution. The teaching part is left out and the learning is for to the child to figure out. If the story puts a smile on the face of the reader, I shall feel my purpose is achieved. I strongly feel that a child should be left alone to enjoy his or her childhood. They shall soon have to grow up and conform to societal and other pressures. The pressure to live in a certain way will come with time. These stories are meant to provide them an alternative way to enjoy their time and to plot for their next adventure. The adventure called ‘Life’.

Thanks to all who knowingly or surreptitiously helped with the course of these stories. Their comments and behaviours have made these stories flow, sometimes into unknown territories from which I had to struggle hard to rescue them and sometimes myself as well. I hope you like them.

Illustrations for the stories have been done by Sahayaa Jeevan. Thanks a lot for your help.

P. Kasturi Rangan