Establishment Directions for ICT Industry Ecosystem in Korea
註釋In Korea, the concept of the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) industry ecosystem is deeply connected to CE (Creative Economy), which was suggested as one of the most important slogans in the present government. CE is defined as an economy in which creativity and innovation are universalized and the economy should be equipped with the following factors:. knowledge ecosystem where ideas and knowledge are created and circulated. human resources with creativity. ecosystem innovation responding to the convergence of the related industries. social capital based on communication and trust.According to this definition, CE has the following four characteristics.. Creativity : In fact, creativity can create new values by utilizing creative ideas in the areas of technology, services, product, marketing, production, etc.. Diversification : This creativity can be diffused through diversification in the processes of the creation and development of creative ideas.. Openness : (Of course,) The basic premise of this mechanism is inward and outward openness.. Convergence : Convergence is another characteristic of CE in terms of accelerating the creation of new values by combining various ideas with multilateral dimensions.Under the concept of CE as suggested by the present government, it is necessary to take the ecosystem approach at the stages of industrial development in order to establish CE strategically. In other words, CE is based on industrial development from the perspective of the ecosystem. The industrial ecosystem signifies a sort of economic community in which all the stakeholders are interacting with each other, being connected with each other closely. The industrial ecosystem formed along with the flow of time retains special capability and relationship related to economic actors (participants and potential entrants) through a series of complex processes.