註釋Silaem is like a younger brother to Midhel despite the span of time separating them. Midhel has been walking the lands of Salonika for hundreds of years while Silaem has yet to see a century. Still, the two wizards have grown close so close that Midhel reveals to Silaem his closely guarded secret. Then all hell breaks loose. Readers can witness exciting events unfold in Salonika, a riveting fantasy novel by Stephen Gibbs. Silaem is furious when Midhel reveals the existence of a gateway to another worlda world where there is little understanding of magic but where their weapons of war could reduce countries to rubble. Silaem is convinced that wizards are given power in order to control others. Midhel, however, believes in helping others fi nd their own destinies. He has no wish to abuse his power and has vowed to prevent the knowledge of either world escaping its boundaries by controlling and preventing the use of the gateway. Consumed by his lust for power, Sialem confesses that he has been exploring other dark paths of magic. Midhel is stunned by this revelation and knows that Silaem would now be a bitter enemy he must oppose. Troubled by glimpses of possible futuresall of which are darkMidhel fi nds a glimmer of hope in a fl eeting vision of a warrior in black battling Silaem. But where will he fi nd this warrior, and can he fi nd him in time before all of Salonika falls under Silaems dark rule? Readers can fi nd out as they immerse in this intriguing page-turner.