Culinary Culture Canada
The Ultimate Definition of Food, Eating, and Etiquette
出版Independently Published, 2020-12-03
主題Education / Arts in Education
註釋Klothild de Baar has countered the lock-down imposed by the Covid-19 crisis by gathering spectacular Canadian recipes, varying from poignant simplicity to the most jubilant surprises. They define this immense and varied country beautifully, yet link these Northerners to the world in a book for others to enjoy. CULINARY CULTURE CANADA harks back thousands of years and finds the first known recipe in Mesopotamia, dating back to 1700BC for the reader to try out and appreciate as a special treat. The book includes all aspects of a society's culinary culture, encompassing the history of porcelain and bone china, crystal glasses, cutlery, and table linen and tracing it from the beginning of time to AD2020. It is the definitive book of eating habits and etiquette in modern-day Canada. It teaches the reader how to set a table properly for many occasions. It dives deep into the past to explain the customs and traditions that Canadians celebrate during the festive season when culinary culture and art come into their own. It reminds the reader why they do what they do as a matter of routine, year after year, if they have forgotten how their beloved customs and traditions started. The giving of gifts, the hanging of stockings and the lighting of candles all have an origin...a reason--even why Santa's reindeer take him and his sleigh right over the moon. The book encompasses all aspects of culture. Reading it enlightens, and surprises, and delights.