Violette Giordano is a young ballet dancer of Italian heritage living in New York City, with everything to look forward to, but her estranged relationship with her father and near non-existent relationship with her mother have taken a toll on her productivity and all of the relationships in her life. Struggling to find the meaning of her own existence, she learns to create a new life for herself without the familiarity of the classical world she has come from, where palaces and ancient cathedrals had made up the landscape of her childhood. The only world she knows, with all of its pains and illusions, is beginning to shatter. As Violette feels the floor beneath her slipping, she confronts the very demons she will have to face if she ever wants to know true success, all the while learning the hardest lesson of all for herself, that of self-love.
For those who loved Black Swan the film, but wished there was a better story to follow, Running Luce will satisfy that wish.
—Peter Mansfield, Publisher of New You Magazine