Increasing Water Use Efficiency by Use of Hydroponic Cultivation Methods in Jordan : Final Report
出版Wageningen University & Research, BU Greenhouse Horticulture, 2017
註釋Hydroponic Green Farming Initiative was executed in Jordan. Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticultureanalysed the present situation at hydroponic farmers with the aim to adapt and to improve where possibleand to disseminate results and knowledge to other farmers in training sessions. With large amounts of lightthe potential yield in protected cultivation is huge. Lack of water might stimulate the use of hydroponics. Forthis more knowledge is required. Small steps forward can be easily taken by increasing the ventilation rate oftraditional tunnels and to collect rainwater to improve the water quality given to the plants (especially in theHighlands) and to save water by using hydroponics. Training of farmers and cooperation between farmers andgovernmental bodies (research, consultancy) and suppliers are more challenging aspects.