Learning from Capitalists
註釋Technology assimilation as an outcome of a nation's acquisition of foreign technology has not been explicity interpreted the way assimilation is normally understood - assimilation of knowledge and behaviour in an individual's cognitive development, or assimilation as a means for organisms' enhanced control of the environment. Why not consider technology assimilation as a process by which nations learn from existing technology abroad, thereby not only developing domestic civilian industry but also enhancing their control of the external, international environment by means of military - technical expertise? Soviet assimilation of Western technology, as one major example of this process, is both a means for domestic industrial modernization and a way in which the USSR strengthens its military power. analysis based on the conceptual framework indicated above. It suggests new directions in technology assimilation data analysis, and presents further insights into how Western technology is assimilated in the USSR. problems of assimilation occur, which Soviet countermeasures there are, and how the USSR and Sweden adapt to international technology trade restraints.