Whispering Lunacies

Like love itself, the poems in this book are spirited and profound; they are sappy and saccharine; they are spiteful and vindictive; and they are sexy and playful.

Whispering Lunacies represents a journal of the authors love and loss over the years; through his love poems, this is his map of the heart.

Everyone has a map. Everyone has experienced the Joy of Love, and the Despair of Loss. This map will take you along on the authors personal love journey - through sharp curves and open highway, past roadblocks and trainwrecks, and though all seasons and weather conditions. Eventually, we all come home. Along the way, the emotions and experiences we discover can only help us to better understand this crazy trip called love. Presented in a touching, hopeful, irreverent, funny and often heartbreaking style, Whispering Lunacies is a book which all readers, male and female, will relate to on some level.

The Joy of Love, the despair of loss, commitment, dismissal, long-distance longings, unrequited love, unfulfilled passion, disappointment, ecstasy, jealousy, faithfulness, infidelity, adultery, good and bad and kinky sex, new love and old love, fond memories and failed marriages, first dates, bad dates, one-night stands, independence, co-dependency, hurt feelings, bruised egos, bruised bodies, amazing orgasms, beautiful images, foreign affairs, troubled times, strippers and secretaries, bonding and bondage, grand and gruesome collaborations, spiritual connections, religious experiences, double-crossing, messy endings, happy endings, platonic love, deceit, deception, blue skies and desert islands, puppy love, bear hugs, horseplay, gambling, baggage, psychological damage, mind games, stargazing, moonlight, sun worship, fetishes, fantasy, flings, candlelight, springtime, winter blues, whining, courting, seasides, lusty looks, nasty breakups, massages, stalkers, body art, sorcery, sordid pasts, vows, politics, co-habitation, car trouble, white lies, laughingand true love.

Have you been on this journey? Does your map have similar signposts? The author relates: Hopefully, Whispering Lunacies will strike a chord in every readers heart, and encourage others to tell their own stories through poetry.