Erotic Power
註釋Have the nineties seduced mainstream culture into the "dark side" of sexuality? How have rubber and leather clothing made it out of the back rooms of sex shops and into your local mall? In the early eighties, Gini Graham Scott explored the underworld of human sexuality. She has recently returned to this world to examine the growing popularity of dominance and submission (D & S).Not surprisingly, she discovers that a greater openness to sexuality has led to the emergence of over twenty million devotees of the D & S scene today. Scott explores the areas of sadomasochism and bondage and discipline as both a witness and a practitioner. In Erotic Power, she interviews mistresses, their subjects, and various group participants in D & S. Her research covers - Her personal experiences as a "mistress in training" - A survey of the top clubs - References and resources for those who desire to know more.Erotic Power sheds new light on a once taboo but increasingly fascinating subject.