註釋Yoga is flying across the shores of Bharatha all over the world like an eagle. The entire humanity needs yoga today. If going after Yoga to get rid of diseases is one dimension, using Yoga to make our body healthy so that we can enjoy material pleasures is the other dimension. This was not what those great Rshis who evolved Yoga had in mind. Yoga is another name for pure living. If man lives, being aware of the purpose for which he was created, what else can it be excepted in Yoga?
Human body is a temple. In a larger sense, it is the dwelling place of gods. Whatever one finds in the world is present in the human body. We have 72,000 Nerves in the body, also we have 72,000 Nadies which are subtle channels and centres of energy. We get a detailed account of these in books on Hatayoga. In this background Mudras and Bandhas occupy a place of great significance. We have a considerably difficult challenge to convert this Annamaya body into one, the object of which is Dharma Sadhana. Kalidasa has announced, "Shareeramadyam khalu dharma sadhanam". Our sages have said, "Manaeva manushyanam karanam bandha mokshayoho" Our mind is the cause of both Bandha and Moksha. In that case how can we make use of the techniques available to us to the best of our advantage?
"Mudras" help us to keep our body and mind pure and chaste. They are tools to lead us to life fulfilment. When we activate the nerve and nadi centres in the body, they make the flow of energy smooth. Our body is a fantastic machine designed by the Creator. He has set in it a super computer called the 'Brain'. All the activities in our body are controlled by the Mind. The pressure exerted on certain key points in the body and in hands, energises the centres in the brain. We have come to know this truth as a result of experiments conducted in different parts of the world. Acupressure specialists assert that if we activate certain points in the legs, hands and ears, we can ward off a number of disorders of the body. In our ancient Tantra Marga we hear about "Khechari Mudra". During five thousand years after sage Vedavyasa, our ancestors have devised a number of ways to help man keep himself fit.
They are simple and workable. We get a sea of information about Mudra Science in a number of books on Yoga shastra and Tantra Shastra. In a few of our epics also, we get references to these Mudras.