On the Origins of Taxation
註釋In his new book, the professor of the University of Pécs, Faculty of Law has examined the ancient roots of taxation dated back before the establishment and emergence of writing. He is the first, who defined the social development of taxation and some tax types from the very beginning. The author recognised that the tax systems in irrigated and dryland cultures emerged and evolved in two different paths. He also underlined that taxation is not the same old as the early states, on the contrary, the first civilisations need the help of taxation in order to start their emergence. The author analysed his field of research by using the findings of history, archaeology, sociology and law. The work would be an interesting and useful reading not only for researchers in the field of financial law, but also for those, who are interested in the development of society and history. The monograph deserves special attention, because its niche content and furthermore also for its tight and clear style, logical structure and historical approach. The book could not only become a basic component of any high standard library, but would also change our thoughts about social science.