The Red Mark On God's Forehead
註釋A book that will shake the modern-day church to its core, The Red Mark on God’s Forehead trumpets the call to Christians to return to the true roots of their faith—the worship of God as He commands in the Torah. In an engaging and thought-provoking manner, Darryl Weinberg outlines the path Christianity has taken, lured by pagan practices, away from God’s plan for His people and toward the crisis facing us in these end times. The ultimate end of this journey is the denial of Messiah Himself.

From moving the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, to its troubling involvement in festivals such as Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Halloween, the Church has grieved the heart of God, splintered its own unity, and engaged in a lifestyle abhorrent to the Lord. Most shocking, however, is the thorough exploration of the outright anti-Semitic sentiment, particularly as expressed in the Church Fathers, that led us to this point.

Through this troubling message, however, shines a light of great hope. Our ever-merciful, loving God desires to draw us back to the true worship and lifestyle that brings us into fellowship with Him. He is anxious to forgive and redeem, and His Word contains all that is needed to serve and worship Him in spirit and in truth.