Single particle movement
Matjaž Mikoš
Primož Banovec
Mario Krzyk
EROSLOPE final report : ERB,CIPD,CT93,0031
Faculty of civil and geodetic engineering, Hydraulics division
, 1996
Research programme "Single particle dynamics" was oriented towards research of Single Particle Dynamics of coarse bed load grains under laboratory and natural conditions. For that purpose an instrumented tracer called SPY - Cobble was designed, and a first prototype with a diameter of 10 cm and with a cable for data acquisition was built. The basic aim when applying the SPY - Cobble is the determination of real impact and friction forces acting upon a cobble or pebble. Surface forces acting during collisions between sediment grains, while i.e. moving as a bed load in a river or torrent, or as a part ofa debris flow, are detrmined via tri-axial accelerometer built into the centre of the SPY-Cobble. Additionally, when applying the SPY-Cobble as a bedload tracer, it would allow us to determine the way of transport (sliding, rolling, saltating). New knowledge of this kind will unable us to improve our mathematical models on sediment transport, fluvial abrasion and debris flows.