A Detailed Investigation of Single-photon Laser Enabled Auger Decay in Neon
註釋Abstract: Single-photon laser enabled Auger decay(spLEAD)is an electronic de-excitation process which wasrecently predicted and observed in Ne. We have investigated it using bichromatic phase-locked freeelectron laser radiation and extensive angle-resolved photoelectron measurements, supported by adetailed theoretical model. Wefirst used separately the fundamental wavelength resonant with theNe+2s-2ptransition, 46.17 nm, and its second harmonic, 23.08 nm, then their phase-lockedbichromatic combination. In the latter case the phase difference between the two wavelengths wasscanned, and interference effects were observed, confirming that the spLEAD process was occurring.The detailed theoretical model we developed qualitatively predicts all observations: branching ratiosbetween thefinal Auger states, their amplitudes of oscillation as a function of phase, the phase lagbetween the oscillations of differentfinal states, and partial cancellation of the oscillations undercertain conditions