To everything that makes me who I am; I would like to thank my family, my cats, the trees, the sky, the stone, the soil, the people I know and know, and especially my father, whose daughter I am proud to be, who reads the story I write every day the next day.
With my endless gratitude and love to my dear Mustafa Karnas whose support I always felt at every stage of the stories.
I wrote the stories I wanted to read, I hope you enjoy reading them too.
Aydek S. Özdemir, 2023
1- So
2- Transformation
3- Aydın
4- That option does not exist anyway
5- Sharp decision
6- Cooling down
7- Storm
8- Don't be deceived by the image
9- Do not take what you know as absolute
10- The story of the ghost
11- What is, is good
12- Fairy man
13- Mystery and velvet
14- 4 cats, 2 dogs
15- Cage maker
16- Cherry tree
17- Grandfather the named oven shovel
18- Swap dreams