On the occasion that Phra Ajahn Pasanno, Co-Abbot of Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, took a sabbatical leave to stay in Thailand for the most part of 2006, the lay supporters have consulted Phra Ajahn about publishing a book to commemorate his one year stay and have received his kind consent.
A Dhamma Compass is a collection of three dhamma talks that Phra Ajahn gave in the three winter retreats during 2003-2005 at Abhayagiri. Ronna Kabatznick was the editor of the talks, and Dee Cope helped transcribe the talks, to whom all of us would like to record our thanks. Ajahn Amaro and Ajahn Jayasaro were so kind as to look over the final version of the texts.
The lay supporters in Thailand would like to express their deep sense of gratitude to Ajahn Pasanno, who spares his very precious time to meet with and teach the Thai people at Bahn Boon, Pakchong, once a month for the entire year.